Covid-19 Vaccine : Vaccines during menstrual cycle

As soon as the announcement regarding covid-19 vaccination for all the people above 18 will start from 1st May, there are many rumors going viral, one of the messages is that – women should not take covid-19 vaccines five day prior and after their menstrual cycle. It also read that during the menstrual cycle their immunity is low. On the other hand, experts are disagreeing with these claims and said that there is no scientific evidence to prove that and it’s just a rumor spread across the social media.
But Internationally, many women are experiencing changes in their menstrual cycle post getting the vaccine.

Should you take covid-19 vaccines during the menstrual cycle?

According to Gynecologists there is no data that suggests a woman’s immunity will get hindered by taking the COVID-19 vaccination.
India has vaccinated people above the age of 45 years. There are no reports on changes in their menstrual cycle or flow. Menstruation is a much natural process, the number of women who will be bleeding is going to be very high. However, there is a lack of research on post-vaccination effects on the menstrual cycle.

PIB India’s tweet

This rumour was also quashed by the government and stated that women can take Covid-19 vaccines during their periods without any worries. And the government’s Press Information Bureau (PIB) tweeted, “#Fake post on the rumors circulating on social media – that women should not take #Covid19Vaccine, 5 days prior and after their menstrual cycle. All people above 18 should get vaccination after May 1.”

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