Big Update On The CBSE Exam

CBSE 12th exam canceled, now look at the result and marking formula, read the answers to 10 big questions.

Board exams canceled due to Corona (File photo: PTI)

The Government of India has decided to cancel the board examinations on Tuesday. CBSE 12th board examinations have been cancelled.

  1. Will there be no 12th class board exams this year?

The first 10th board exams were canceled due to Corona. Then the 12th examinations were postponed. But amidst protests by the state governments, parents, and students, it has been decided to cancel the 12th examinations as well. That is, now there will be no 12th class examinations this year.

2. How will the children pass if there is no paper?

Now that there will be no exams for the children, then the question is how will the students pass. Right now CBSE has not fixed any final criteria for class 12th, the government has left its decision on the board itself. But on the basis of the internal assessment done during the 11th and 12th, numbers will be given to the children.

3. Which formula can be adopted for the result?

The way CBSE had adopted the formula to pass without giving paper for class X, the same can be used here. In this, 20 marks can be given for internal assessment, 80 marks can be given by combining the tests conducted during the whole class or other papers. However, CBSE has not yet made any final formula regarding the 12th. It will be released soon.

4. Paper Canceled For All, But If I Want To Give Paper?

The government has canceled the exams due to the Corona crisis. But if a student wants to give the paper, then he will be given an option. When the situation is right, then such arrangements will be made for him. Because many students are not satisfied with the automatic numbering system and want to give the paper themselves, this option has been kept open.

5. What if I am not happy with the result?

The children to whom numbers will be given through the automatic system if any student or student is not satisfied with those numbers. So he will have the option to appeal again. At such a time, he himself will be able to give the written exam. What will be the rules for this, it will be told by CBSE soon.

6. How will the admission for graduation now take place?

After the 12th examination, now the biggest problem is admission to the college. Children are worried that when will they get admission to college now, will their year go in vain. If the government has now decided to cancel the exam, then it may take time till the end of July for the results to come. In such a situation, if the results come by August, then the children will have to apply for admission to the college on the same basis.

Anyway, admission remains open in many universities till August-September, so there will not be much problem in admission to the college. But if the result is delayed, then the government can also take some more steps.

7. What will happen to the entrance exam?

Getting admission in a college or university is not that easy, apart from the fixed marks, you also have to go through the test of entrance exam. But if the 12th results will come late, then there may be some delay in the entrance exam also. But students who are preparing for entrance to a particular university or college, should start preparing for their subject from now itself so that they are mentally prepared when the date comes.

8. What will happen to the students going abroad?

After 12th many students apply for studies abroad. There the new session will start in July-August. In such a situation, everyone will have to prepare for it in advance. The tests for admission in foreign schools are being done online now, so if it clears then you will have to give the final result of class 12th, which may be delayed. There are still many such students who had prepared for admission abroad, now that the exams have been canceled, they are relieved.

9. Apart from CBSE, which other board’s exams have been canceled?

The Government of India on Tuesday announced the cancellation of CBSE board exams, after which ICSE also canceled its board exams. Now it is expected that many states can cancel their board examinations and children will be passed on the basis of assessment.

10. What is the reaction of children and parents if the exam is canceled?

The pace of Corona may have slowed down, but the crisis is not over yet. Because of this, children and parents were in a lot of tension. But now that the exams have been canceled, this tension has gone away. While the children have expressed their happiness on social media, the parents have also welcomed the decision. However, there is still tension regarding the result and admission to the college.

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