Pacman Game

Pacman Game in C is a simple console application or a mini clip game designed for the purpose of entertainment. It resembles the snake game to some extent in which the Pacman should be driven in such a way that it moves along the predefined blue path so that the path is erased or eaten by Pacman. The more you erase the path, the more score you gain; the game is easy to play. Here, I have presented the source code and output screens for this project.

The source code of the Pacman Game in C has been written in C programming language and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in which the project was developed is Code::Blocks using GCC compiler. You can download the source code, application files plus other files for this project from the link below.

Download Pacman Game in C  with Source Code

Pacman Game – Project Introduction:

The .c files of Pacman Game have been listed as follows:

  •  main.c
  • map.c
  • move_guide.c
  • accessories.h

The user defined header file created within the ASCII text file of the sport is header.h. The C files of the sport are for controlling the motion & direction of Pacman also on create the trail. Pacman Game in C gives the clear concept of use of file handling, the employment of user defined header files, combination of number of C files during a single project etc.

The Pacman Game in C is so simple to stat, play and terminate. so as to play the sport, you must just click on the applying file (.exe file) of the sport. Then, you’ll see the sport window during which you’ll must drive the Pacman along the thick blue lines in rectangular

The direction of Pacman is controlled with the navigation keys (up, down, left and right keys) of the key board. key pauses the movement of Pacman. If you’re ready to drive the Pacman along all the lines in order that Pacman eats all, you may be winner.

Output Screens:

Pacman Game in C

You can use this Pacman Game in C as your semester project otherwise you can use it to be told C programming and application or just you’ll be able to use it as a game for entertainment. Try making modifications to the project if you’re visiting submit it as your college/school project.

The ASCII text file and other files of the Pacman Game in C are tried to create bug-free as far because it was possible. it’s been coded in project format which consists of 4 c files (i.e .c files) and a user-defined header file ( i.e. .h file). so as to form the ASCII text file user-friendly, a variety of comments are included within the ASCII text file of the sport. If you discover any errors or imperfections, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcomed.

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